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What You Should Know Before a Mommy Makeover Clareo Plastic Surgery Blog

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Dr. Michael Tantillo

One of the things moms are best at is planning. Planning activities, for meals, for school, for work-life balance, and more. So for most moms who are considering a mommy makeover, having as much information as possible up front is extremely helpful. You probably already know that a mommy makeover will involve some downtime depending on which surgeries are performed. You may also know that the term “mommy makeover” is really an umbrella term that can include a wide variety of procedures, including tummy tuck, breast augmentation and lift, liposuction, vaginal rejuvenation, and butt lift. Proper healing is essential in each of these surgeries, so planning and taking the right precautions post-op is crucial.

What should you know ahead of time about life post-surgery?

For many moms, there are plenty of things they wish someone had told them about childbirth and raising kids. There is also plenty to know about mommy makeover surgery, and this article is here to guide you!


After your procedure, you may have multiple incisions to care for in more than one area. For example, your breasts, abdomen, and buttocks could all be healing simultaneously. You may also have drainage tubes in small incisions that need attention. Your incisions will have gauze, and you will likely also have a breast or abdominal compression garment or both. Just like with any surgery, to reduce the chance of infection and minimize scarring, it’s essential to follow all of your doctor’s instructions for cleaning and care of incisions and sensitive areas.


It is important to remember that even things that seem second nature, like picking up your kids or bending over to feed your pets, may be off-limits during the initial recovery period. The first week of recovery will be the most challenging. You will be sore and uncomfortable and shouldn’t do much more than sleep, eat, use the bathroom, and take walks around your home to get the blood flowing. Driving, meal prep, bathing children, housework, and errands will all need to be handed off during this time.

You may feel less pain during your second week but will be very tired. Driving or working at a desk from home may be doable if you are no longer on pain meds, but lifting more than 5-10 pounds, standing for long periods, and doing heavy chores will need to wait. The third week can be challenging because you may feel more “recovered,” however, lifting is still not recommended, and you will likely still be very tired, which may be frustrating.

At weeks 4-6, you will start to gain back energy, swelling will go down significantly, and most regular activity can resume. Keep in mind that due to the extensive nature of these types of surgeries and the work your body has to put in to heal, scarring and even swelling could take up to 6-8 months to fully settle, and final results are usually not seen until the one-year mark.


Moms are great at planning (that’s probably one reason you’re here reading this). One thing they can struggle with, though, is asking for help. For the first few days to one week after surgery, you will need to do just that. If you are going to take the time and spend the money on something so significant that you know you deserve, let’s do it right! Proper recovery is critical to a great outcome, and recovery can only happen the way it’s supposed to with enough rest. You will need to ask for help with childcare, groceries, cooking, housework, and driving and take 1-2 weeks off from work outside the home, depending on the nature of that work.

Mental Health Impacts

Many moms opt for cosmetic surgery because they don’t like the way they feel about how they look. So it can come as a surprise to many after cosmetic (or even medically related surgeries) that they feel down and upset after their surgery. This is often called postoperative depression. It usually stems from feelings of doubt or regret about your decision and anxiety about when you’ll ever see the final results. Having a great support system, understanding how your body will change over time after recovery, and planning ways to stay occupied while resting are all ways you can prevent and fight back against this type of depression or frustration.

Post-Recovery Life

The best way to maintain your results after a mommy makeover is to stay fit and eat a healthy diet. Weight gain can reverse the effects of your surgeries. You will have several follow-up appointments with your surgeon to ensure your recovery goes smoothly and your ideal results are on their way. Of course, you should wait until you’re sure you’re done having children to have this procedure.

The Most Important Thing

Arguably the most important thing you should know about getting a mommy makeover is that choosing the right plastic surgeon will make all the difference in your experience and your results. For something so intricate, delicate, and significant, you should go with someone who is board-certified, trustworthy, skilled and has a caring and helpful demeanor.

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At Clareo Plastic Surgery, our cosmetic specialists are ready to help you achieve your goals with the most advanced treatments the cosmetic industry has to offer. Contact us today to take your first step toward a more beautiful you.

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